Ask a Dominican
with Fr. John Corbett, O.P.
Open to all, drop-in sessions!
For more than 800 years the friars of the Dominican Order have devoted themselves to studying and teaching the Faith. Now’s your chance you ask a Dominican your burning questions about life’s big issues. How do we know God exists? What’s the meaning of life? How do we know there is life after death? Join us at St. Gertrude’s Cafeteria on the Third Thursday of the month to explore these questions and more with Fr. John Corbett!
About Fr. John

Father John Corbett, O.P. is a native of Columbus Ohio. He graduated from Providence College in 1973 and was ordained a Dominican priest in 1980. He received the Doctorate in Sacred Theology from Fribourg University in Switzerland. He has taught moral theology at Providence College, The Josephinum in Columbus and the Dominican House of Studies in Washington D.C. He is currently helping both in the Novitiate with spiritual direction and in the wider parish with Mass, preaching, and confessions.
Thursday, November 16th
Thursday, December 21st
Thursday, February 15th
Thursday, March 21st
Thursday, May 16th
7 – 9pm
St. Gertrude Parish
6543 Miami Ave
Cincinnati, OH 45243
If you can’t make the first meeting but you’re interested in future meetings subscribe to our emails by clicking below.